Thurston, Lewis, Peirce & Mason Counties 360-402-8443

Hours: 8am - 5:30pm / Monday - Friday

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

Residential & Property Management

We offer a modern carpet cleaning service for Homeowners & Renters. Keeping your carpet clean on a regular basis is the best thing for your health. A clean carpet makes a healthy environment.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

Property Management & Tenants

We serve many property management companies and their tenants with move in and move out carpet cleaning. Please call our office or fill out the form below for an estimate & scheduling.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

Realtors & Sellers

We work with many realtors to beatify the carpet for sale and offer a healthy home package for the new home owner.



Years Experience

We offer a modern carpet cleaning service that beautifies your home, making your living space an enjoyable retreat for you and your family. We use only the best cleaning solutions and equipment to properly clean your investment and take the quality time it takes to restore your carpet and area rugs to normal.

Over 80% of the dust and dirt entering your home settles into the carpet. We can give your home a refreshing makeover and improve the overall air quality for you and your Family.

Our carpet cleaning is using the most up-to-date equipment and methods to clean the carpet properly. We take the time to evaluate your carpet to request and recommend the best course of action. We believe in building long-lasting relationships with all our customers. We bring value to you, by providing peace of mind, quality of life, and a healthier environment.


Call  360.402.8443 or use the online booking option. Thank You!


Thurston, Lewis, Peirce & Mason Counties 360-402-8443